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I want to advance knowledge by supporting research, faculty, and scholarly activities.

Director of Special Collections

The Director of Special Collections provides leadership and strategic vision for the archive and rare book collections at NYU. The Director oversees collection development and management, information and research services, digital initiatives, instruction and outreach policies to facilitate continued growth of, and access to, our world-class collections of rare and unique materials.

Conservation Librarian

The Conservation Librarian directs the conservation treatment and collection care programs for the NYU Libraries’ Special Collections. This work ensures the long-term accessibility of unique archival materials and rare book collections.

Librarian for Urban Studies, Land, and Development

This librarian works with active, but highly dispersed, scholarly communities at the University that focus on urban systems and policy, climate change and resilience, real estate and development, housing equity, and more. This position knits together communities at the NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, Center for Urban Science and Progress, Schack Institute of Real Estate and Jack Brause Library, Stern School of Business, and the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.

Librarian for Public Health

Supporting Public Health scholarship could not be a more timely endeavor as we redefine our world post-pandemic. The Librarian for Public Health assumes a broad and multidisciplinary view of public health, working with researchers and students not only in the College of Global Public Health, but also across the University in diverse areas such as health policy, environmental sustainability, urban ecosystems, and more.

University Archivist

The University Archivist plays a vital role in connecting students and alumni with the history of the University. As the curator responsible for acquiring collections from current and former students and faculty, the University Archivist works to increase visibility of the unique materials that showcase both the student experience and the wider impact of the NYU community on the intellectual life of the city and beyond through outreach, instruction, and digital initiatives.

Controlled Digital Lending for Audiovisual Materials Fund

Acting in partnership with Library Futures and the NYU Law Engelberg Center, this fund will help the Libraries create the legal framework to allow controlled digital lending for in-copyright audiovisual works. Controlled digital lending is a set of practices that allow libraries to legally loan digital copies of print books in their collections. Despite a critical need to provide digital access to audiovisual materials in obsolete formats, the practice of controlled digital lending has not yet been applied to audiovisual materials due to a restrictive legal environment. As a center for world-renowned audiovisual collections, performance studies, and legal innovation, NYU could lead an effort to explore the legal and technological infrastructures necessary for the digital sharing of these materials with users within and beyond the institution. This work, centered in the Libraries, would set an important precedent to allow other institutions of higher education to find solutions to a long-standing problem.

Inherent Vice in Library and Archival Collections Fellowship

Inherent vice is a term that generally refers to the inherent risk and liabilities of certain materials, often due to the qualities of the materials themselves. Reporting to the Preventive Conservator, this Fellow will identify potential hazards in the NYU Libraries’ collections–such as books bound in cloth dyed with arsenic-containing materials–and develop protocols to facilitate the safe use and handling of these materials.

Critical Pedagogy Think Tank Fund

The Critical Pedagogy Think Tank fund will allow the NYU Libraries to gather thought leaders across the field of library science over a two-year period to generate innovative practices in librarianship at the intersection of critical race theory and information literacy (finding and evaluating information). This fund will enable the NYU Libraries (already leaders in the field of critical pedagogy) to hold two annual case-studies focused events as well as two annual national, hybrid Critical Pedagogy Symposia.

AI in Libraries Fund

The AI in Libraries fund will support a two-year postdoctoral scholar to research the use of AI in enhancing access to library collections. The postdoctoral scholar will lead an AI learning community in the Libraries in order that Libraries’ faculty and staff can share their AI research and projects.

Digital and Data Literacy Competencies Fund

To fully support student success, institutions like NYU need to draw connections between academic experience and professional preparation. This fund will assemble a community of practitioners to design a data literacy skill set that connects students’ activities with job skills. There are emerging standards for professional practice as outlined by organizations like the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), as well as framework models for data literacy—but little work to bridge the two. The Digital and Data Literacy Competencies fund will allow the Libraries to create such a bridge.

Travel and Research Grants for Special Collections

This fund will provide financial support for visiting scholars, particularly new and emerging scholars, to work with collection material across Special Collections. Scholars receiving a travel and research grant will be expected to give a book talk or a presentation of work (including creative work) supported by the visit. This funding may support one or two scholars, depending on location, duration of stay, and other financial needs.