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NYU Digital Library Technology Services processes, enables access to and preserves digital materials that come from both the NYU community and from collaborating partner organizations. Our methods include archival collections, digital preservation, digital content publication, research, repository services, and collaborative storage. DLTS creates infrastructure and systems to advance networked scholarly communication and explores the questions raised by the use of these services as they continue to evolve.

Archival Collections

  • Development and support for archivists, including collections management using the ArchivesSpace software and tools to discover and deliver special collections;
  • Digitization of physical media, including texts, photos, illustrations, maps, and videos;
  • Maintenance and migration of digital file formats over time to those best suited for long-term preservation.

See Archives and Special Collections(opens in a new window) to see our list of digitized archival collections.

Digital Preservation

  • Self-Service: Faculty may deposit digital materials that do not require format obsolescence triggers or format migration in the Faculty Digital Archive(opens in a new window), where they will be stored securely.
  • Longer-Service Preservation: When content may need migration over time as best practices change. At the initiation phase for a project, we work with our project partners to determine resource requirements for preparing their content for long-term preservation.

Digital Content Publication

DLTS offers access to digitized items through:

  • A Finding Aid, for archival collections
  • Our catalog, for content with catalog records
  • A standard, templated Website, if applicable

Additionally, DLTS provides access to the content displayed in our viewing environments, so that they can then be reused in multiple contexts. See our Projects page for more information.


DLTS explores new technologies, workflows, and strategies for managing and preserving digital collections in collaboration with faculty, partner institutions, government agencies, and foundations. DLTS participates in national and international digital curation, preservation, and infrastructure initiatives, developing and sharing best practices with the larger community.

Repository Services

DLTS supports the preservation and open-access publishing of outcomes from NYU research projects. We collaborate with NYU Division of Libraries colleagues in data management, curation, and scholarly communication to provide institutional repository services.

Collaborative Storage

Research Workspace(opens in a new window) provides central storage that can be mounted on networked clients, enabling access and sharing of large data sets from their desktops and lab workstations. It is intended for the use of research projects that depend on high-capacity data storage that can be accessed reliably and offers dependable backups.

Visit our website(opens in a new window) for more information.


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