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The Media Preservation unit is part of the Barbara Goldsmith Preservation and Conservation Department.

Through assessment, research, treatment, and preservation reformatting, we care for NYU Libraries’ film, video, and audio materials. We inspect collections to determine condition and provide recommendations on long-term care.

Our in-house preservation facilities enable staff to create preservation master files and access copies.

Motion Picture Film

We specialize in the care and handling of 35mm, 16mm, 8mm, and Super 8mm films. Our team advises on long-term care of motion picture film collections, including format identification, housing, and storage for films held in NYU Libraries. We raise funds for photochemical preservation and offer in-house motion picture film scanning services.


We maintain video labs to reformat analog and digital cassette video. Our team maintains the obsolete playback equipment essential for this work. To treat video issues, we perform conservation services such as incubation and repair.


In our audio lab, we reformat analog and digital audio. We perform conservation services such as re-shelling cassettes, repair, and incubation. We maintain playback equipment for an array of formats (including phonodiscs, ¼-inch open reel, audiocassette, Digital Audio Tape, and microcassette) and Monks record-cleaning equipment.


We collaborate with the broader cultural heritage community to conduct research on audiovisual preservation.

Education and Outreach

We work with the NYU Moving Image Archiving and Preservation (MIAP) and Institute of Fine Arts Conservation Center students and faculty to conduct research on the long-term care of audiovisual materials.


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