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NYU Libraries support the educational goals of New York University by providing access to all forms of information to support research, study, teaching, and the general pursuit of knowledge. In order to be successful in this mission, the Library and its community of users observe a relationship of reciprocal rights and responsibilities. While most users conduct themselves in a responsible manner, in the interest of protecting the rights of all Library users, it is necessary to define what constitutes infringements on the rights of others.

The NYU Libraries Conduct Code affirms a commitment to protecting an environment conducive to intellectual pursuits. Such an environment is characterized by respect for the rights of others, respect for the Library’s resources, and respect for appropriate conduct in a public forum. The Code ensures that users of Bobst Library find themselves in an environment that will enable them to achieve their educational objectives.

The Code also acknowledges that the Library fulfills an important educational function in the University. Educational settings, unlike other public forums, require special considerations in defining violations, investigating allegations of violations, and imposing disciplinary action. This document affirms our commitment to addressing and resolving charges of misconduct in a speedy manner, while upholding the rights of due process.

NYU Libraries are committed to:

  • serving and being responsive to the needs and priorities of its users

  • protecting each user’s right to privacy and confidentiality in all of their interactions with the Library

  • building collections that meet the research and instructional needs of all users simplifying, enhancing and expanding access to information

  • preserving the collections for present and future users

  • providing library spaces to accommodate study, research, and scholarly exchange

  • keeping the physical environment of the Library clean, well-maintained, and properly functioning

Unacceptable Conduct

Users will refrain from engaging in behavior that leads to the denial of, or unreasonable interference with, the rights of others; or which disrupts the regular operations and activities of the Library. Behavior which is considered to be in violation of the NYU Libraries Conduct Code includes, but is not limited to:

  • creating a disturbance or behaving in a manner which interferes with normal use of the Library (including rowdiness, noise, offensive interpersonal behavior, and the use of cellular phones in the stacks and designated quiet study areas)

  • removing or attempting to remove Library materials or property from the building without authorization

  • damaging Library property (including mutilating Library materials by marking and/or underlining pages, tearing or cutting out pages or sections thereof, removing binding and staples, removing or tampering with security tags, using Post-it notes)

  • refusing to honor Library regulations regarding overdue items, materials recalled by the Library, and the payment of fines and/or fees for lost or damaged Library materials

  • concealing Library materials in the building for the exclusive use of an individual or group

  • leaving personal materials and library books that have not been checked out unattended in stacks and study areas for extended periods of time or overnight

  • using Library areas for prolonged sleeping or as living quarters

  • being in an unauthorized area of the Library, or remaining in an area after its closing, staying in the building when requested to leave during emergency situations or drills
  • smoking anywhere in the building

  • failing to abide by the Library Food and Drink Policy

  • sharing an NYU ID, Consortium, Friends of Bobst or reader’s card to allow unauthorized entrance to the library

  • refusing to present identification to NYU Public Safety officers and library staff upon request

  • failing to adhere to copyright laws and/or University policies on copyright

  • refusing to abide by regulations (including the Policy on Responsible Use of NYU Computers and Data guiding access to and use of computing and networking resources at New York University, including Bobst Library

  • Violations of the NYU Libraries Conduct Code may be referred for disciplinary action under applicable Library and/or University disciplinary processes. Where appropriate, instances of misconduct may be referred to local, state or federal law enforcement officials.

This document was prepared by the New York University Bobst Library Code of Conduct Task Force, whose members included librarians, faculty, administrators and students. June 1998. Revised January 2011. Revised October 2015.